Once you have filled the chatbot with Domain knowledge and Instructions, you can start testing the chatbot! In this article, you will learn how to do this.
Now, it gets really exciting! What does the AI do with the added personality? How does the chatbot reproduce the knowledge you've provided?
Before activating your chatbot, we recommend thorough testing. This way, you can identify any errors yourself before visitors encounter them, and optimize the chatbot for going live.
Functionality of the Interactive Tester
To use the Interactive Tester, navigate to the 'Interactive Tester' in the menu on the left of your chatbot.
Here, you will already see some tips & tricks, functionalities, and limitations that you can use for testing.
Now, try to put yourself in the shoes of the end users and think about the questions they might ask. Next, ask a question in the Interactive Tester. You will then see a generated response based on the instructions and knowledge you have added.
Below the given answer, the sources used to generate the response are listed. This information can help you to provide further instructions to the chatbot and to finetune your chatbot.
Next to the chatbot-generated response, you will see a thumbs-up and a thumbs-down icon. Select the thumbs-up when you are satisfied with the given answer. Choose the thumbs-down if you are not yet completely satisfied. A pop-up will then appear where you can give the chatbot instructions on how to provide a better answer next time. Select the category to which you want to add the instruction (or create a new category if you haven't created one yet) and add the instruction.
Note: This is not the literal answer you want the chatbot to give, but an instruction to generate this answer, just as you set in the other instructions.
The instructions you add here can be found under 'Instructions'.
Are you satisfied with the results of testing your chatbot? Then you are ready to go live! In this article, you will learn how to activate the chatbot
Check out this video: