View visitor status

Do not wait any longer for a chat visitor who has already left the chat. With the visitor status, you can focus on active visitors and see exactly where you are needed

How does it work?

In the chat overview, you can see if a visitor is still present in the chat. Visitors can end and minimize the conversation, and this information is forwarded to your dashboard. The Watermelon dashboard has the following status options:
  • Green dot: the visitor is active.
  • Red dot: the conversation has ended. The visitor has left the conversation and used the close button.
  • Orange dot: the chat is minimized. The visitor has minimized the chat and is temporarily inactive. They can reopen the chat at a later time and become active again.

This status helps you handle chats efficiently. When the conversation has ended, you only have the option to close the conversation and move on to the next one. When the visitor has minimized the chat, there is a good chance they are navigating your website. This gives you time to type out your next question or response in detail.

How do we know all this?

The website widget has a close button and minimize option. Visitors can use this to look up something on the website or close their chat window. When the visitor clicks on the X, the conversation is also removed for them. If they later reopen the chat, a completely new conversation will open.

Foto voor chats