Connecting Facebook Messenger

All messages that your customers send via the Facebook business page will arrive in your Watermelon account after connecting. In this article, we explain how you can connect your Facebook Messenger.

Also check this video:

Let's get started with connecting Facebook messenger

Follow the steps below to connect Facebook Messenger to Watermelon:

  1. Open Watermelon: Begin by logging into your Watermelon account.

  2. Navigate to Integrations: Use the menu on the left side and click on 'Integrations'.

  3. Choose Facebook Messenger: If Facebook Messenger is not visible in your list of integrations, click on 'Channels' in the left menu. Then click on the plus icon.

  4. Connect your Facebook account: Click on the 'Connect Facebook Messenger' button and log in with your Facebook account.

  5. Select access rights: In the pop-up, select the companies and pages for which Watermelon needs access. You can also choose to sign up for all current and future companies and pages, so that you can always link to the correct pages in the future.

  6. Confirm your choice: After your selection, you will see a summary page of the rights you have given to the Watermelon Facebook app. Click on 'Save'.

  7. Choose your Facebook page: You will automatically return to your Watermelon account, select from the dropdown menu the page you want to link to Watermelon. If your page is not listed, repeat step 4 and make sure you select the correct page.


Note: If you have ever used another program to manage Facebook messages, it is important to designate Watermelon as your primary page. This article tells you how to do this.

Frequently Asked Questions and Troubleshooting

What if I am not an administrator of the Facebook page?

To link Facebook to your Watermelon account, you must be an administrator of the Facebook business page. If you are not an administrator of the Facebook business page, you must become one to link the page to the platform.

How do you become an administrator? Ask a current administrator to follow these steps on the Facebook page:

  • Go to 'Settings' of the page.
  • Click on 'Page Roles' in the left column.
  • Enter your name or email address, select yourself, choose 'Administrator' and click on 'Add'.
  • Confirm with your password.

What if I accidentally logged in with the wrong Facebook account?

No worries! If you log in with the wrong business page, you will receive a notification at step 2 that you are not an administrator of the page. You can easily resolve this:

  • Go to and log out.
  • Return to Watermelon and navigate via 'Integrations' through the left menu to 'Facebook Messenger'.
  • Log in again with Facebook and choose the correct channel. Follow the steps at the top of this article.

Problems with connecting Facebook? Remove the business integration and follow the steps again.

If you have previously tried to link Facebook to Watermelon, you have created a business integration for this. This business integration needs to be removed before you can re-link your page to Watermelon. Follow the steps below:

  • Go to your Facebook settings: Click on your profile photo and select the 'Settings and privacy' option and then 'Settings'.
  • Choose 'Business Integrations': This option is found in the left column under 'Your Activity and Permissions'.
  • Remove the Watermelon integration: Look for the Watermelon integration in the list and click on 'Remove'.