Forward a conversation

When you pick up a conversation that is not intended for you or your team, you can easily forward the conversation to another user, another team, or remove yourself from the conversation. In this article, you can learn how to do this.

First, you need to open the conversation before it can be forwarded or placed back in the unassigned conversations. Open the conversation by clicking on the relevant conversation in the conversation overview. You will now see who is currently assigned to the conversation (you or a colleague) in the upper right corner of the conversation. When you click on "In this conversation: …", a menu will appear with various options.

If the conversation is assigned to you:

  • Leave conversation. The conversation will then automatically go back to the unassigned conversations, so that someone else can pick it up.
  • Assign to user. You can select another user here who can then pick up the conversation.
  • Assign to team. You can select a team here, which can then pick up the conversation.

If the conversation is assigned to another user:

  • Remove 'user'. The conversation will then automatically go back to the unassigned conversations, so that someone else can pick it up.
  • Assign to me. The conversation is assigned to you and you can continue to pick it up.
  • Assign to user. You can select a user here who can then pick up the conversation.
  • Assign to team. You can select a team here, which can then pick up the conversation.


With a few steps, you have forwarded the conversation to (another) user or team!


Note: When you forward the conversation to a Team in which you also work, the conversation will remain visible to you in Unassigned.