Email address already in use when creating a new agent

If you're trying to create a new agent and receive a message stating that the email address is already in use, it means there is already an agent with that email address. This article will help you resolve the issue.

Within Watermelon, an email address can only be used once. If you get a notification that the email address is already in use when creating an agent, it means there’s already an account with an agent linked to that email. This could happen, for instance, if an account was previously created using that email address.

What can you do?

  1. Ask the agent to log into their previously created account.
    If the agent has forgotten their password, request a password reset.
  2. Have the agent go to Settings.
  3. Click on Add/edit agents.
  4. Find the relevant agent and update the email address, for example by adding a number. For instance, if the current email is, you could change it to
  5. Click on Save.


You can now create the new agent under the existing account using the original email address,