Chatbot conversations (Legacy chatbot)

Chatbot conversations are in-depth conversations with the chatbot. In other words, more than just a Q&A. You can read more about this in this article.

Note: this article is about the Legacy chatbot. Are you looking for articles about the Pulse chatbot? You can find them here.

A conversation is a convenient "answer-tree", also called conversational design. It allows you to easily ask counter questions to customer answers. This seems complicated, but is actually quite simple!

An example: the customer says "I would like to buy a melon". Then the chatbot can respond with: "A yellow one or a pink one?" With such counter questions, you can better shape the conversations you have. Moreover, it makes it faster and easier for you to give the right answer, and the customer is helped faster. You can also use the conversation to direct the customer to the right page!

Creating a conversation

Do you want to create a conversation? Below are the steps you can follow to create a conversation.

  1. Go to Chatbot.
  2. Go to Add knowledge.
  3. Click on Conversations.
  4. Add a new conversation by clicking the Add New Conversation button.
  5. Enter several question variants to start the conversation.
  6. Next, under Ask your customer questions, click the text button. In this field, insert the chatbot's response, with a return question to the customer.
  7. You can choose to add another text area next, or instead ask for a response from the customer by choosing one of the options under Responses.
  8. By linking a conversation to another conversation, that part of the conversation is ended and forwarded to the linked conversation. You can do this by clicking on the button Link to conversation. The visitors will not notice this.
  9. When a conversation is not linked through to another conversation, the end of conversation button can be chosen. Make sure that at the end of every conversation the conversation is either linked through or ended with the end conversation button.