To keep your Watermelon organized and tidy and/or to comply with privacy regulations, you can remove data and conversations. Read on to find out how!
Deleting conversations from Your Inbox
Conversations can be easily deleted from Your Inbox. When you have picked up or taken over a conversation from a colleague, chatted with them, and are finished chatting, you can delete the conversation by clicking on the three dots in the top right corner of the conversation and then on Delete conversation.
Note: When you delete a conversation, it will no longer be included in the statistics and all customer data will also be deleted.
Deleting conversations from Contacts
If you want to delete all conversations with a particular contact, you can do so by searching for the contact in Contacts and clicking on the trash can behind the relevant name. This may occur, for example, when a customer requests that you delete everything you have on this person. If you delete the conversations here, you will delete all contact information and all conversations with this person.
Delete conversations from Closed conversations
We are working on making closed conversations transparent and allowing you to delete all conversations you have ever closed with one click.
For now, you can delete all closed conversations through Contacts. This can be done by clicking on the trash can icon behind Contacts (All …). This also works if your AI Agent does not request contact information and therefore (All 0) is displayed.
Automatically delete all conversations after a certain time
It is also possible to automatically set the deletion of all data. You can do this via Settings > My company > GDPR compliance settings.
Here you can, for example, choose to automatically delete all conversations and data older than 1/2/3 weeks, 1/2/3/4/etc. months or 1/2/3/etc. years every day.
Note: This will delete all conversations and data. So what is closed, what is in the conversation overview and what is in contacts. Everything is permanently deleted.