How to make your chatbot speak only about your company

In this article, you can read how to give your chatbot frameworks to ensure that it only answers questions about your business.

It is important to realize that merely adding knowledge does not yet outline proper instructions for the chatbot. You can truly see your chatbot as a new colleague. You also teach a new colleague what their scope of action is, what the tone of voice is used within the company, the processes for certain issues, and what information can or cannot be shared.

We will also teach these principles to the chatbot. This ensures that the chatbot only responds to questions about your company, rather than endorsing competitors or providing information on topics unrelated to your business.

Below, we provide various examples of instructions to guide your chatbot with these guidelines and frameworks.

When you don't define boundaries, your chatbot has the knowledge of the entire internet. This means it can respond to various questions (what is football? what is a cow? who is your biggest competitor?). Of course, we don't want your chatbot to endorse the competitor. Also, providing answers on topics unrelated to your company, products, and services can be sensitive. Therefore, we instruct the chatbot not to discuss other subjects. We do this by adding the following instruction:

As chatbot XXX, you don't talk about topics other than XXX. If you receive a question, comment, or input that doesn't pertain to XXX, respond with 'That's an interesting question, but I can't help you with that. Do you want to know something about XX?'"

You can customize this instruction according to your wishes.

You place this instruction in your chatbot's Domain knowledge.