Create a chatbot with Pulse

Before you start building the chatbot, you need to create a new chatbot in Pulse. This article will tell you what steps to take to do this.

Creating a chatbot with Pulse is available in the Premium, Business and Enterprise packages.


  1. Log in to Watermelon.
  2. In the menu bar, navigate to 'Pulse'.
  3. Click on 'Create new Chatbot'. A pop-up will now appear on your screen.
  4. Give your chatbot a name. This is also the name that will be communicated externally. When you type the name, you will see it changing at the top of the pop-up. 

  5. Select or connect the channels on which you want the chatbot to be active.
  6. Choose an avatar. The maximum size is 2 MB. You can upload .png, .jpeg and .gif files. We recommend a square avatar of 500x500 pixels. It is possible to add an avatar with other dimensions, it will be resized automatically. After adding it, it will be visible at the top of the pop-up. 
  7. Choose a banner. The maximum size is 2 MB. You can upload .png, .jpeg and .gif files. It is recommended to add a banner of 1000x250 pixels. It is possible to add an avatar with other dimensions, it will be resized automatically. This will also be visible at the top of the pop-up. 
  8. Now click on 'Create chatbot'.


Your chatbot has now been created! Next, you can continue building the chatbot. You can read how to do this in this article.

If you return to the overview (at the top left of the screen or by clicking 'Pulse' again in the menu) you will see the chatbot you just created. From there you can use the pencil icon to start or continue building the chatbot. If you click on the three dots you can edit the chatbot's profile or delete the chatbot.